Monday, October 3, 2016

Academic Shoot reflection and critique

Academic Shoot reflection and critique

1. It was hard to find a chance to take a photo that utilizes framing. The classroom setting is not an easy place to use framing due to the layout of a classroom.

2. To be honest, I am not thinking too much about the technical aspects of photography. I make sure to pay attention ISO, aperture, and shutter speed and not much else. It allows me to concentrate on taking a high quality photo rather than an objectively good photo. For example, when taking a silhouette, I made sure to make the ISO lower for a darker image.

3. I would not change much about my shoot. I thought it went well and I already had a basic understanding of photography.

4.  I would do everything the same.

5.  Rule of thirds will be the easiest to capture.

6.  Framing will be the hardest rule to capture.

7. I am still not clear on framing. I can look online for what framing is.

Other's work

1.  Link:

2.  A. The photos were taken up close, making the photos look authentic.
     B.  Photos show she has a clear understanding of the photo composition rules.

3.  One thing that could be looked at is one of her photos is a bit underexposed and could easily be fixed.

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