Monday, October 31, 2016

Funny Captions

On Tuesday, the 1st of November, Ed Eddy dances off with his fellow doppelgangers on his 70th birthday. This party was a surprise for Mr. Eddy had been expecting a smaller party at his home.
On Sunday, the 30th of October, James Creek gives his dog Sprinkles a cold stare at a picnic event to raise awareness for abandoned dogs. Sprinkles had stolen Creek's cookie.
On Monday, the 31st of October, John Black and John Brown skydive by the coast of Peru. The 31st was the two Johns' birthday and decided to celebrate together.


Monday, October 24, 2016

Friday, October 21, 2016

Rules of Photography II

Rules of Photography II

Theme: Swim (half will probably Phelps)


Avoiding mergers


Rule of thirds




Monday, October 17, 2016

Photoshop tutorial

Photoshop Tutorial






Sunday, October 16, 2016

Africa and Abandoned Theme Parks


Petrified Fish Eagle, Lake Natron 2012
This is probably one of my photos form Nick Brandt. The photo is very simple like most of his collection. He perfectly uses a black and white filter to highlight the feeling of death and sorrow captured with this image. The water reflects the overcast sky giving the photo more of an erie feeling.

Brandt uses simplicity and uses no mergers in this photo. There is nothing in this photo to distract the viewer from the subject. No objects are coming out from the subject.

Nick Brandt doesn't use a telephoto lens or any lens with a zoom feature. He uses two fixed lenses so he can get up close and personal. He does this to capture the emotion and feeling of the animals he captures.

Brandt takes these photos because he knows these are most likely some of the last photos that will ever be taken of these animals. Humans have nearly driven these animals to extinction and he wants to show the world what these animals are like.

Brandt hopes that more awareness can be spread about the cruel nature of humans and that we can stop these animals from dying.

"You wouldn't take a portrait of a human being from a hundred feet away and expect to capture their spirit; you'd move in close."

Abandoned Theme Parks

1.  The theme park that I would like to visit is Takakanonuma Greenland, Hobara Japan. There seems to be a lot of roller coasters and high places to take some cool ariel photos. The park has a old fashion style, which makes it look really cool while abandoned. I would like to see how nature has overgrown in the park


3.  An abandoned skyscraper, factories in use, farms across the country, antarctica, restaurants.

 Photo by Matthew Christopher

5. I think it would be a lot of fun to take photos of abandoned skyscrapers. From what I've seen, it's not a topic that has been explored. I could take a lot of creative photos like contrasting the sky and the abandoned building. Abandoned buildings give off a really cool post apocalyptic aesthetic.

6. To take photos of abandoned skyscrapers, I would probably want to go to Detroit. While finding a photo, I read there are a lot of abandoned skyscrapers in Detroit. I would need to fly to Detroit, find a place to stay, and places to eat. I will need my lenses, camera, tripod, computer, and other camera things. I will also have to research the legality of entering the buildings.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Mural Project and Great Black and White Photographers III

Mural Project and Great Black and White Photographers III

1. I think a cool mural idea could be capturing different forms of motion. There are a ton of options we have and we don't all have to do one thing.

2. We should have Iphone photos and DSLR photos. You can take great photos with an Iphone and there isn't really an excuse for taking a bad photo compared to one you can take with the cheaper cameras we have here.

3. I would put the mural wherever everyone else wants to put it.

              Great Black and White Photographers part 3:

1. Ansel Adam's photos have a feeling of very high quality. I was really surprised when I first researched him and how old his photos are. A lot of his photos are over fifty to sixty years old and still look like a younger photographer took them.

I see the moon rise over the mountains casting a ghastly shadow. I see the candle light slowly dying in the village's houses. The snow tipped mountains returns my gaze.
I smell the ashen embers escape from the village houses. I smell the leftovers of a New Mexican feast.
I hear only the sounds of wildlife as the town blissfuly sleeps. The quietness of the town makes chills run down my bike. It sounds like silence.
I taste the crisp mountain air. The winds directly in front of me come blowing to me, giving me a taste. The air leaves a chill aftertaste.
I feel the brittleness of the sand bellow me. I feel the cold and harshness of a desert night. I feel the sun rays retract as the moon rises.

I see the scale of the mountain right in front of my eyes. Nature's stunning beauty takes me back. The snow peaked mountains attempt to stretch into the heavens.
I smell the fresh water snake around the land. I smell the scent of pine. I an completely overwhelmed with senses.
I hear birds chirping, welcoming visitors to their grand home. I hear water rushing to my right. The water is on its way to fall off the face of the earth.
I taste water rushing to my lips after a long hike. I taste the rainfall that is sure to come. I taste the polar air coming from the structure.
I feel like I'm in paradise. No human is around. It's just me and Mother Nature.

3. I think it would be cool to make a photo gallery from Adams with PowerPoint. I could give some insight on how some of the photos.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Great Black and White Photographers part II

 Great Black and White Photographers part II

Ansel Adams Biography

        Ansel Adams was born in San Francisco on February 20th, 1902. Adams is one of the most recognizable and respectable photographers of his time. Adams was first striving to be a pianist, but soon drifted from the art. He became interested in photography and soon became a leading photographer.
         Ansel Adams as a child was restless and very curious causing him to often be kicked out of school. Eventually Adams resumed his education and even went to Harvard. At an early age, Adams was interested in photography. Ansel's father, Charles Hitchcock Adams, embraced the idea while his mother, Olive Bray Adams, was not so keen on photography.
          Ansel's passion for photography fully blossomed when he went to Yosemite for the first time with his dad's camera. He was inspired and visited Yosemite many times over the rest of his life. After Yosemite, Adams began to publish and make money off of his photos. He became a pioneer and an innovator in photography. He has many portfolios and books with very well known photos. He had customers such as Kodak and AT&T. Ansel married Virginia Best in 1928 and had two kids. Ansel Adams passed away on April 22, 1982.


Academic Shoot reflection and critique

Academic Shoot reflection and critique

1. It was hard to find a chance to take a photo that utilizes framing. The classroom setting is not an easy place to use framing due to the layout of a classroom.

2. To be honest, I am not thinking too much about the technical aspects of photography. I make sure to pay attention ISO, aperture, and shutter speed and not much else. It allows me to concentrate on taking a high quality photo rather than an objectively good photo. For example, when taking a silhouette, I made sure to make the ISO lower for a darker image.

3. I would not change much about my shoot. I thought it went well and I already had a basic understanding of photography.

4.  I would do everything the same.

5.  Rule of thirds will be the easiest to capture.

6.  Framing will be the hardest rule to capture.

7. I am still not clear on framing. I can look online for what framing is.

Other's work

1.  Link:

2.  A. The photos were taken up close, making the photos look authentic.
     B.  Photos show she has a clear understanding of the photo composition rules.

3.  One thing that could be looked at is one of her photos is a bit underexposed and could easily be fixed.